Compressed Cobblestone VI
The Mod
Minecraft -> 1.5.2
Mod version -> 0.6
Minecraft Forge ->1.5.2- or higher -> Links
*Compatible with BuildCraft
I'm a simple mod creator, simple and objectives. When I play minecraft in a new or old world, I'm always looking for ores and i'm always looking for space in my inventory, because I have a lot of cobblestone.
This mod can resolve this problem, because with this mod you can put four packs of cobblestone in one and more four in one...
About Us
Why install this mod? How to use?
Compresses all your cobblestone, with this mod you can compresses 16 packs (16x64) of cobblestone in one Compressed Cobblestone 5x.
Do you want your cobblestone again? No problem, put the CompressedCobblestone in the Workbench.
1x Compressed Cobblestone = 4x cobblestone
1x Compressed Cobblestone 2x = 16x cobblestone
1x Compressed Cobblestone 3x = 64x cobblestone
1x Compressed Cobblestone 4x = 256x cobblestone
1x Compressed Cobblestone 5x = 1024x cobblestone
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